A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I lived on Planet New York. I was a smidge younger, my skin was taught, and I was full of piss and vinegar. (I’m referring to my attitude, not a kinky night out at at The Vault.) I would rollerblade between jobs and sometimes at my job, making the ABSOLUTE MOST of my 20’s. Genetics helped, but I also bought into gym culture. Who knows how many gym memberships I had? The following is a letter I wrote following a homophobic incident at one of the more popular gyms.
May 17, 2001
Re: New York Sports Club
14th & 5th
Is New York Sports Club Homophobic?
My Termination of membership
Today I went to the gym at 3:00 pm, ran on the treadmill for 20 min, rowed for 20 min, then made it through the bicep machine. Upon finishing this I set up the decline bench press and sat down on it to read my paper and rest for a minute before starting. I was approached by (name redacted) of NYSC and asked if I would join her in her office. I replied whatever it was she could ask me there. I felt as if I was being called to the principals office. She asked if she could give me a pair of shorts to wear. I told no, that I already had some on. She then asked me what kind of shorts they were and I replied “hot pants” and I’d been wearing them to the gym for the last year. She said “oh” and then I told her that there were several women walking around with thongs up their butts and no one seemed to have a problem with that. Then I started to get a little angry and told her that I wanted to cancel my membership if they wanted me to conform to their fashion choices. On the way to the office I said that a friend of mine had mentioned that she was changing to Crunch at the end of the month, because NYSC was just too Republican for her. I disagreed with her and said that NYSC was fine. I was wrong.
We were joined in the office by (name redacted), another employee of NYSC, who agreed that I was “inappropriately dressed”; I informed these two women that this was New York City, a diverse community. (name redacted) replied that this wasn’t New York City, this was “New York Sports Club”. I went on to say that I didn’t want to join their “clone zone” and could I see a copy of the dress code. (name redacted) said that this wasn’t available, and that it came with my membership packet. That was ridiculous. I would also like to mention that both of these women were dressed appallingly and offended my own personal taste.
I hold (name redacted) completely responsible for my terminating my membership after nearly 3 years there. I was in the gym for over an hour before I was approached. If I was so offensive why haven’t I been approached in the past, or earlier in my workout? I found the experience to be completely homophobic in nature and am saddened if this attitude is endorsed by NYSC.
Todd Phillips
New York City Dept of Human Rights
New York Blade
Next Magazine
Village Voice
Daily News
New York Times
Not one of the publications I sent it to, or NYSC ever responded to me. I had forgotten about it, until someone asked me about it the other day. Then, I randomly stumbled over the letter in my files. I guess I was supposed to be reminded of it again? I’m not upset by it. It was one of those things that happened and reminded me not to get too comfortable. I remember thinking how ridiculous and hypocritical I thought it all was. Also, this happened in New York City!?! I knew New York was far from perfect, but homosexuals were supposed to be safe there by the time I came along.
Since I wrote the letter, (almost 20 years ago) homosexuals can marry, divorce (thank goodness) and other laws have been put in place to protect and include us a bit more. So, at least that’s something. Now, I would look several, EXTRA times in the mirror to be sure I wanted to wear those hot pants out, but I believe people should wear what makes them feel good, fun, sexy or whatever, regardless of age or body type. The world is tough. Find joy wherever you can. I have nothing but respect for those who have found a way to brighten their lives by artfully draping or severely squeezing into some fabric and banging on a bangle. In the words of Iris Apfel, “Its better to be happy than to be well dressed.”
Thanks for sharing this.
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