7 March 2022
Good morning. Its been a hot minute.
I heard that writing was 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration AGAIN the other day, and I was like, Come on Todd- WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT BLOG? Originally, my idea with the blog was to give people another reason to visit my website and hopefully buy something, but that wasn’t really happening. I kept getting hits on the blog, but people were either broke-ass motherfuckers or didn’t want what I was selling, so that was depressing. Maybe its me, maybe its Maybelline?
Well, probably not-
Maybe its time for make-up?
I also went traveling across the USA last summer. It wasn’t possible for me to fulfill any POSSIBLE orders-so I thought, let sleeping dogs lie- and look out at the world by its self. Reabsorption isn’t always easy, nothing is uglier than a worn out, dirty, old-sponge. Although they’re still useful, they appreciate being swaddled in a fresh tea towel from time to time.
I also realized (again- ((old & forgetful)) that this blog helps me vent and is better than talking to a therapist. I don’t need to be profound, share big ideas, or save the planet here, but I can brush off some of cobwebs in my head that will make me feel better. While I’m being completely honest, someone I respect told me that my writing voice wasn’t original, and as much as I like to think that comments like that don’t bother me- it did.
I’m doing it again.
Madonna reinvented herself a hundred million times- why can’t I? I’m switching it up and trying print on demand T-shirt & Totes. Primarily focused on the LGBTQ+ Community, I’m also gonna make whatever the hell else trips my trigger or tickles my fancy.
Who doesn’t like a feather on their ass?