Oct 2023
Writhing and engorged is probably overused when it comes to describing an orgy, but that’s what it was, and I couldn’t have been more pleased.
When I first heard about The Oil Party, I thought it was going to be a jockstrap lube wrestling event, like one I attended in New Orleans. That event was a spectator sport. You bought a ticket to watch modern gay gladiators slip-n-slide and take each other down in their underwear. If you wanted to get slippery and rub skin on skin with another nearly naked guy, you had to sign up and really wrestle. Although fun to watch, I remember it was aggressive and brutal at times. Even though the crowd was aroused, they wouldn’t get their digits on any derma unless they signed up and performed for the crowd. If Jock Strap Lube Wrestling was The Coliseum, then The Oil Party was an afterparty for the victors.
I was afraid to eat before going. I didn’t want to feel bloated or full. I’d worked all day, and kept thinking I wasn’t going to go, but I got a phone call at the end of the day that convinced me to. The person on the other end enthusiastically told me it was his favorite party all year. This was 15 minutes before closing, and it was what I needed to hear.
No phones, no clothes. Dump your belongings in a garbage bag upon entrance, get a wristband in return. Everyone was gloriously naked and equal. Sure, some guys had bigger dicks and more defined bodies than others, but for me, it was about being there. To take in the ambiance, stand naked in a crowd of strangers and see if I felt a connection. No hunt, just stand. No shoes, no socks, nowhere to hide drugs or cigarettes. You could cum as many times as you wanted, but you were only allowed in and out the door upon arrival and leaving.
No, I wasn’t the most popular guy there, but I was there, and felt present. I felt lust. I felt sex. I felt alive. All feels were new again. Forgotten lust awakened. The pandemic had formed a scab on me that had finally fallen off. I finally realized that my body is fine. Its worthy and nothing to be ashamed of. I might not be the fittest man in the room, but there will always be a place for me.
Dynamics of touch were in full display. I stood at the bar and watched small circles of men, all ages and colors, form, grope, stroke and kiss. I felt like I had time-traveled back to a Roman Century long ago. I looked over the pool and watched men roll and slip over each other. Then, the bartender made a different kind of round and circled the pool pouring oil over naked flesh.
The bartender was a hefty guy, who had a 50’s girl, Grease Movie bun. Accented by a long curl on the side, he always came up to me with a smile. I never felt ignored, either by him or the crowd. Of course, everyone was checking out each others dick size. Even the monster cocks were standing around (in between courses) enjoying the vibe.
As I sipped my Jack and Coke I noticed someone I sent here from Pink Point today. A beautiful man, I think he was Greek. Although short compared to others, he was with a noticeably, tall man. I think they were in their 30’s. He didn’t recognize me, and I didn’t want to ruin the mood by telling him who I was. Instead, I watched them unfold into each other. Mr. Greek backed up against his companion and did a teasy, squirm dance against his cock. I think it went in a bit? Yes, I’m sure it did.
Life will never be more beautiful to me than this moment. GOD AM I GLAD I WENT OUT!
Its wonderful living in the sex positive city of Amsterdam. Its also wonderful being able to go to a sex event and not be high on drugs or very drunk. I’m proud of myself for having been able to do that. I would not have been able to do that in the past.
My computer has slid off its stand 3x while writing this. Even though I got a towel, there’s no getting all of the oil off, and I’m not in any hurry.
What a joy it is to feel alive.
*The following was written last year after returning from The Oil Party at Club Church.
The Oil Party at Club Church is happening again tomorrow, 14 October 2023.
I was on such an Adrenalin high after I got home last year, I had to write about it. Get a ticket and go if you can, you won’t forget it!