15 March 2022
Little Rock, AR
I woke up in the middle of the night from a minor nightmare. Someone was trying to poison me with salad dressing. The man was very suave as he convinced everyone in the room to eat the tainted leaves of Romaine. He teased the others with the leaves until they became hypnotized and crunched their way closer to death.
I’m flying from Little Rock to Denver today. The only correlation to my dream I could make, was that I was leaving / traveling- death of the self or situation at hand. Changing environments- maybe, maybe not- always easy to overthink these things.
America Daily Observations:
TSA Little Rock
Working the X-Ray Belt Guy – Man Bun.
He’s the cookie cutter asshole we all know. I thought he might be cool for half a second because of his (attempted) man bun. Instead, he was a man drunk on power. Thank goodness he’s only working in security and not running Russia or he probably would’ve of nuked everyone by now. It seemed like he was pissed I had a purple pass (Global Entry) that cleared me of the shoe & computer removal. He hassled both men in front of me, then made me do a little dance. “DON’T STAND THERE, OVER HERE, NO THERE!” What a jerk. I kept my cool and agreed to all his demands as sarcastically agreeable as I could. He made me very happy to leave, knowing that he would be there for endless days, possibly years, hopefully until the end of time. No wonder he’s mean to people.
Its easy to focus on the negative, so I’ll flip Versa. I want to be consistent with my Grindr Profile.
16 March 2022
Denver, CO
It’s impossible to think the world is a bad place when you wake up to Bloodhound kisses. Floppy, loose-skin shoved in your face in any other scenario might a little pervy, but from a Bloodhound, its pure love.
I’m at a friend’s place for a month to work on his spring Heirloom Tomato sale. We’re friends from the early 1990s, way back from when I lived in Denver. We were wee homos, beginning our adult adventure, waiting tables, drinking La La’s and dancing our way from man to man. Instead of dancing till dawn, our morning ballet consisted of watering his 8000 tomato seedlings. Soon we will transplant them, and prep them for sale. We’re still getting down and dirty, though it’s more in the garden than the dance floor these days.